A burned bus and 28 injured, including 20 fans and eight police officers, left clashes between Lyon and PSG ultras on Saturday at a highway tollbooth, before the end of the French Cup in Lille.

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French President Emmanuel Macron, who attended the match, condemned “with the greatest firmness” what happened.

The confrontation occurred when the two groups of fans crossed paths on the way to the Pierre-Mauroy stadium, on the outskirts of Lille, on the A1 motorway, in the north of the country.

According to the Pas-de-Calais prefecture, a bus was burned and 20 fans “were slightly injured.”

At least eight police officers“They are also injured, according to the prefect of the Northern region.

The incidents have confronted a hundred Lyon fans and about 200 Parisian fans.“Detailed a police source.

During the day, PSG and Lyon fans had cheered up the streets of central Lille, without incident, an AFP journalist noted. An impressive security device had been established to avoid problems.

“The fans of both teams were prohibited from moving.”outside reserved spaces” near the stadium until Sunday at 04:00 am (02:00 GMT)

The Cup final (9:00 p.m. local time, 7:00 p.m. GMT), which this year was not held at the Stade de France in Paris due to preparations for the Olympic Games, was played at the Pierre-Mauroy stadium in Lille.

The match ended with a score of 2-1 in favor of PSG, Kylian Mbappé’s team, who already announced his departure from that team.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/violento-enfrentamiento-entre-hinchas-en-francia-hay-un-bus-quemado-y-28-heridos-cb20

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