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Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!

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The ultimate summer fruit, watermelon is ideal for enjoying a refreshing treat. But it’s hard to eat it all in one or two sittings. To avoid waste, some people think about storing it in the freezer… However, this is far from being a good idea and here’s why!

Despite its imposing size, watermelon is a fragile food in the same way as cucumber or lettuce. What differentiates these fruits and vegetables from others is their very high water content. For watermelon, it reaches 90%. If you put it in the freezer, it risks simply exploding. Once transformed into ice, the water will exert pressure on the fruit that will not keep it unscathed for long. If, by some miracle, your watermelon survives, its flesh will be full of water and will have lost its initial flavor. In short, this is anything but a good idea!

Now that you know how to properly store watermelon and what to do with it, one question remains: how to choose it? To start, make sure it is very heavy. This is a sign that the sugar it contains has turned into syrup and therefore makes it a fruit with a perfect taste. Another tip: tap it lightly. If you hear a resonance, it means that the fruit is perfectly ripe. Finally, if your watermelon has a lot of webs, its stem is brown and/or it has yellow spots. Go for it! It will definitely be delicious!


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