Edmundo González voted after 10:30 in the morning at the Santo Tomás de Villanueva School in Caracas, where he arrived accompanied by his wife, both dressed in white.

We trust that the Armed Forces will respect the decision of our people“he said in a speech he gave after exercising his right.

“We Venezuelans are showing that we are one people,” he said, adding that “What we see in Venezuela today are lines of joy and hope. Today begins the day of reconciliation of all Venezuelans.”.

“The only important news is the millions of Venezuelans across our land exercising their right to decide,” said Edmundo González.

The opposition leader also sent a message to citizens who have left the country: “To all Venezuelans around the world, I say that we feel your strength and commitment and it encourages us.”

We do not want more Venezuelans leaving the country and to those who have left, I tell them that we will do everything possible to get them back here. and we will welcome them with open arms,” he said.

What did he say about Gustavo Petro?

When asked about the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, Edmundo González said that “I do not want to give an opinion, he has already made a very firm statement regarding the process in Venezuela. We have spoken with the foreign minister, he has given us his support and his appreciation for the peaceful conclusion of this process.”

Regarding international observers who have not been able to enter Venezuela, Edmundo González lamented the situation, “which is a demonstration of weakness, of intolerance, of not wanting impartial observers to come and observe today’s electoral process.”

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/somos-un-solo-pueblo-en-busca-de-su-libertad-edmundo-gonzalez-tras-votar-en-venezuela-rg10

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