On May 23, the Holy See reported that Pope Francis will canonize Carlo Acutis, a 15-year-old teenager who died in 2006 from leukemia. The young man will become the future ‘millennial saint’, as he dedicated his life to evangelizing and documenting miracles through the internet.

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For a person to be declared ‘saint’ it must be demonstrated that they performed two miracles.

In the case of Carlo Acutis, in 2013, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints He attributed to her intercession the “miraculous” healing of a child with a congenital malformation of the pancreas. For that fact he was named blessed by the Catholic Church.

The second miracle occurred in Florence, in 2022. According to the Vatican Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, cited by the Catholic News Agency portal, a young Costa Rican woman named Valeria Valverde, 21, was on the brink of death after seriously injuring your head in a bicycle accident.

She underwent an emergency craniotomy to reduce intracranial pressure, but His situation was such that they informed his parents that he could die at any moment.

In order for her daughter to be saved, Valeria’s mother went to Assisi to pray for the young woman at the tomb of blessed Carlo Acutis. That day a miracle occurred: The woman began to breathe on her own and 24 hours later she was able to move her arms.

Ten days later she was discharged and, according to medical examinations, the hemorrhagic contusion of the brain had already completely disappeared.

Two months after the accident he managed to go to Carlo Acutis’ grave to thank him for his intervention in his recovery.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/cuales-son-los-milagros-de-carlo-acutis-que-lo-convertiran-en-el-santo-millenial-rg10

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