On Sunday January 5, it will be time to taste the galette des rois! Every year the date changes. Indeed, this tradition is in fact a Christian festival, Epiphany, which celebrates the arrival of the Magi (Melchior, Gaspard and Balthazar) in Bethlehem, twelve days after the birth of Christ. If you count quickly: December 25 + 12 days = January 6. However, since a reform dating from 1802, Epiphany has been celebrated on the first Sunday following January 1 (unless this Sunday falls on New Year’s Day). This year, we celebrate the New Year on a Wednesday, so gourmets will have an appointment on January 5 to enjoy their share of pancakes. Find all our best recipes for pancakes and brioches des rois on our dedicated space!
If the cake is not linked to Christianity, but to the Saturnalia festivals of Roman times. These were major festivals in honor of Saturn, the Roman god of weather. As for the bean, it was already hidden in the cakes. The slaves were invited to share the dish with the Romans. If they landed on the bean, they became the Princes of Saturnalia and had the right to obtain whatever they wanted during the day. The tradition which sends the youngest in the family under the table, to designate who the next portion will go to, also comes from Saturnalia.
We often prefer to buy them ready-made, however, it is easy (and quick) to prepare them at home. For six people, you will need:
The pancake is cooked when it is nicely browned. So who will be the king or queen?