Israel killed head of the Lebanese Islamist movement Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah,
in a bombing near Beirut that deals a severe blow to this Lebanese Shiite group and pushes Lebanon and the entire Middle East towards a deepening of the conflict.

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The Israeli bombardment on Friday on the southern outskirts of Beirut destroyed dozens of buildings, forced hundreds of people to abandon their homes and left at least six dead, according to a provisional balance by the Lebanese authorities.

María Teresa Aya, international analyst for Noticias Caracol, explained that Hassan Nasrallah, in addition to being the leader of Hezbollah for 32 years, “was the one who formed the group” and, “with the help of Iran, turns it into a supremely powerful and important terrorist military army in the Middle East.”

“That is to say, now we have a group that is now very structured, very hierarchical and that was left without its head, perfectly headless, so “Now the question now is what is going to happen, who is going to make the decisions, what is going to happen in the future, how are they going to respond,” the expert noted, adding that a “somewhat unstructured and disorganized revenge of Hezbollah against Israel” could come.

What’s next for the region?

In the last year there have been more than 10 thousand attacks, between rockets and drones, on the southern border of Lebanon and the northern border of Israel and, in that sense, ““These are likely to escalate in a somewhat disorderly manner among Hezbollah militants who feel they have to avenge the death of their leader against the Israelites.”

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“Also, it must be said, we are going to see attacks against Israel’s friends in Lebanon. Probably, the Americans, the embassies, are going to be on alert because there are going to be attacks and reprisals against them,” says Aya.

Iran, key to what is coming

“The question is what is going to happen with Iran, because Hezbollah was its favorite terrorist group,” comments the analyst, pointing out that now this country “has to earn the trust of its people and the other groups under its control,” therefore what to do He would have to “avenge the death of Hassan Nasrallah” and “he may decide to send more attacks and this would be catastrophic not only for the region but for the entire world.”


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