The serious institutional crisis that Venezuela is experiencing has raised several questions about the role of Colombia and the position it should adopt.

>>> See more: UN deplores “climate of fear” in Venezuela due to mass arrests

More than 2,200 kilometers of border, a constant commercial force and a high migratory flow. The position that Colombia takes has a different weight than that of other countries that seek to act as mediators, such as Brazil or Mexico. which, according to former foreign ministers, appear to be deserting diplomatic pressure.

“All eyes are on Colombia”: Maria Emma Mejia

Former Foreign Minister María Emma Mejía said on Noticias Caracol en vivo that “all eyes are on Colombia. Its border, its trade and its migration have not been directly impacted so far, but this is a political and diplomatic decision. It is in Colombia’s hands, in front of the world, to stay on course, even with silent diplomacy, but something has to happen.”

For the former foreign minister, the solution is in Venezuela It is not about “repeating elections, nor forgetting who won those elections and what fraud was committed.”

What is Panama’s position regarding the crisis in Venezuela?

The foreign minister of Panama, a country that defends the victory of Edmundo González, He stated that Colombia maintains a diplomatic position of mediation, which they respect, due to the particularities of the relationship between the neighboring countries.

“We are in favor of negotiations that will conclude with the inauguration of Mr. Edmundo González as president. Colombia, Brazil and Mexico have their strategies, “They must understand that Colombia has a complicated border with Venezuela and its management of this crisis has its peculiarities. However, from the depths of my being, I am convinced that Foreign Minister Murillo, with his democratic vocation, will lead the negotiation so that the Venezuelans find a solution to their problem,” mentioned Javier Martínez-Acha, Foreign Minister of Panama.

The official added that “Colombia has not gone beyond solving the problem, but the international community is aware that the solution to the problem ends with Mr. Edmundo as the elected president of Venezuela.”

Experts agree that President Petro’s decision to convene the Foreign Relations Advisory Commission is the right step and shows that the Government will insist on constant diplomatic actions during the crucial days that Venezuela is experiencing.

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