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In 2025, Candlemas will take place on Sunday February 2. An ideal day to take the time to make pancakes! This religious celebration marks the presentation of Jesus at the Temple in Jerusalem. Based on a pagan festival, Candlemas is the ancestor of Lupercalia. Festivals in honor of Lupercus, the god of fertility. To celebrate the end of the year, we lit candles at midnight and ate cereal pancakes to invoke the return of the Sun. Today, it has become a gourmet excuse to bring together loved ones and friends around delicious pancakes, a symbol of prosperity and luck. A popular tradition consists of flipping the first pancake with a coin (formerly gold) in the hand to attract wealth throughout the year.
To obtain fluffy and flawless pancakes, here are some essential tips:
To avoid lumps, mix the ingredients gently and use a whisk if necessary. Butter or oil, it’s important to add a little fat as it stops the pancakes from sticking and adds a nice flavor. Do you have extra pancakes or batter? Store them well to reheat them the next day. Wrap them in a clean cloth or reheat them in a bain-marie, microwave, oven or frying pan.