Father’s Day is a holiday that honors fatherhood and the influence of fathers in society. Although The Catholic religion associates this celebration with Saint Joseph’s Day, March 19, In Colombia and other Latin American countries, as well as in various parts of the world, it is commemorated on a different date.

This variation in the date of celebration reflects the evolution of the festival beyond its religious roots, adapting to the customs and needs of each society.

Why is Father’s Day celebrated in June?

The history of modern Father’s Day begins in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. Sonora Smart Dodd, a woman from Spokane, Washington, proposed the idea in 1909 after hearing a sermon on Mother’s Day.

Inspired by admiration for her own father, William Jackson Smart, a Civil War veteran who raised his six children alone after the death of his wife, Dodd suggested that fathers also deserved a day of recognition.

Dodd initially proposed that Father’s Day be celebrated on June 5, his father’s birthday, but due to logistical problemsthe first celebration did not take place until June 19, 1910.

Over time, the date settled on the third Sunday in June after President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a proclamation in 1966, and later, in 1972, President Richard Nixon officially established the holiday in the United States.

In Colombia, as in other countries, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June, which in 2024 will correspond to June 16. This date has become an opportunity for families to come together and express their appreciation for the father figure, recognizing his dedication and sacrifice.

The choice of a date other than that established by the Catholic religion for Father’s Day in many countries can be attributed to several factors. One of them is the influence of American culture and the adoption of its traditions. Besides, Celebrating in June allows for a more equitable distribution of festivities throughout the year, avoiding the concentration of significant events in certain months.

Father’s Day commemorated on a different date also reflects a more inclusive and secular approach to the holiday. By not being tied to a specific religious figure, the celebration can be more accessible to people of diverse beliefs and cultural backgrounds.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/colombia/por-que-se-celebra-el-dia-del-padre-en-una-fecha-diferente-al-dia-de-san-jose-so35

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