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Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!

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In our supermarkets, it is possible to find rice in very different forms: in bulk, in packs to heat up in the microwave, in a 1 kilo mix, but also in cooking bags to throw directly into boiling water. However, according to a nutritionist, this way of cooking rice is far from being the best.

When you buy rice in a cooking bag, it’s mainly for the practical side. Indeed, they are well-measured: one bag for two people. This is therefore the assurance of not ending up with mountains of rice that you don’t know what to do with. This type of bag also allows us to not have to drain the rice and scrape the pan to collect all the grains one by one. But according to Nathalie Majcher, aka Dr. Good Foodit would be best to avoid these types of bags for several reasons, including:

On an environmental level, the bags are made of plastics which take several hundred years to decompose;

Budget-wise: By buying these types of bags, you spend more money. In fact, rice packaged in this form is more expensive per kilo;

Health-wise, cooking rice in a bag at a high temperature promotes the migration of plastic particles from the bag into the food. You then ingest plastic;

On a health level, these sachets may contain additives used to improve transparency or heat resistance. “Most of its additives, such as phthalates or bisphenol A (BPA), are known to be endocrine disruptors. These substances can interact with the hormonal system, leading to health problems such as hormonal imbalances, reproductive disorders, etc.” explains the specialist;

In terms of taste: do you really want to cook rice with plastic?

Although practical, it is therefore preferable to abandon this type of cooking bag.

To cook rice, nothing very complicated, the instructions are generally recalled on the packaging. But there are some mistakes to avoid, in particular not cleaning your rice. This is an often neglected step, however, before plunging your rice into the pan, you must rinse the rice with clean water. This eliminates dust and impurities that may have accumulated in the packaging.

During cooking, it is best to lower the heat, the water should not boil for the entire cooking time. This will allow you to avoid the “porridge” effect. Also, it is not necessary to fill your pan with water: two glasses of rice for three glasses of water is enough.


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