A woman was arrested and faces attempted murder charges after a brutal fire attack on her 11-year-old stepdaughter. The incident, which occurred in April 2023 in São Pedro, It involves Karla Wiest, 46, who had been a fugitive until her recent capture in Deodoro, an area west of Rio de Janeiro.

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According to authorities, the incident was triggered by the girl losing an eraser at school.

How was the stepdaughter assaulted?

The woman is accused of violently attacking the minor, pouring alcohol on her clothes and dragging her towards a lit stove, causing the fire to spread rapidly through the girl’s body, according to information from Brazilian media outlet G1.

He then took the girl to the bathroom and tried to put out the flames with water from the shower. According to the media outlet, Not satisfied with this, he threatened to kill the minor and forced her to blame a neighbor. 6-year-old who was present and witnessed the entire event.

The stepmother’s statements at the police station were consistent with her version of events. However, the children denied these accusations.

“Wanting to inflict excessive suffering on the victim, he sets fire to his body. The girl remained hospitalized for months and, thank God, she did not die,” said Edézio Ramos, the police chief in charge of the case.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/capturan-a-mujer-senalada-de-prenderle-fuego-a-hijastra-por-perder-borrador-en-el-colegio-rg10

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