A woman died after being crushed by a herd of cows in a meadow located in the Austrian town of Bad Hofgastein, in the state of SalzburgThe woman was accompanied by her pets and her daughters, aged 20 and 23, and were enjoying a walk on the occasion of her birthday when the tragedy occurred.

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According to local police reports, The family approached the cows, which were apparently disturbed and suddenly became aggressive, surrounding the women and their pets.

The two daughters of the fatal victim managed to escape the melee with injuries, but the mother was trapped under the weight of the flock.

The youngest daughter, visibly affected by the situation, He desperately called emergency services while trying to help his mother, But unfortunately medical efforts could not save her and she died at the scene of the accident.

What did the authorities say about the case of the woman crushed by cows?

Police spokesman Hans Wolfgruber commented: “We are thoroughly investigating the details of this tragic incident and are asking any witnesses who may be able to provide information to contact the authorities.”

Local authorities have also issued a warning about the dangers of taking pets on hikes in grazing areas.

“It is crucial to exercise caution, especially around young cows and calves, as these animals can act aggressively to protect their offspring.”they added.

This tragedy occurred on the afternoon of last Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/un-rebano-de-vacas-aplasto-a-una-mujer-el-dia-de-su-cumpleanos-rg10

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