A 37-year-old woman, identified as Karine Brock, survived a brutal roller coaster accident in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The incident occurred on Sunday, August 11, 2024 while enjoying a children’s attraction known as earthwormThe seat safety failed, throwing her off the ride.

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A video that was recorded at the time of the accident shows that the woman was sitting in the second row of the roller coaster and Seconds later it no longer appears in its place because it fell from the mechanical attraction.

During the fall, the woman hit her head against a metal structure before crashing to the ground, which caused multiple fractures and bruises, as well as severe blows to the head.

The medical team that treated her, including a neurosurgeon, She expressed amazement at her recovery, given the severity of her injuries, according to statements made by the woman on her social media.

“I got here and went straight to the ICU, where I stayed for two days. When the doctor came to see me, his first question was if I believed in God, because given the fractures, injuries, and the MRI results on my head, That I was alive was a real miracle,” Brock commented.

The roller coaster accident could have been caused by mechanical failures

“Clarifying for many people: I did not fall off the device. They threw me out and kicked me out because the safety lock didn’t work as it should. and as the videos show, it was open even though I had downloaded it,” he said.

Karine remains under medical observation, recovering from the after-effects of this accident, which left him with severe dizziness, headaches, broken ribs and other injuries.

“I am still hospitalized, with no specific date for my discharge, but I feel the presence of God at my side at every moment,” she concluded.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/mujer-salio-volando-de-una-montana-rusa-y-sobrevivio-estar-viva-es-un-milagro-rg10

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