The community of California, United States, is collecting money to help the family of A 32-year-old woman who was paralyzed after a near-fatal accident while practicing acro yoga.

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Acroyoga accident leaves her in the ICU

The pediatric speech therapist Abby Weiss, an acroyoga enthusiast, ended up paralyzed from the neck down after an accident while practicing the discipline caused a spinal cord injury.

In an interview with KGTV, Judy Washer, the victim’s aunt, said they had to gather as a family to collect all of the woman’s belongings, who is now completely dependent on them for her basic needs.

“It’s horrible having to pack your things. It’s horrible and it didn’t have to be this way. The other day he said he feels like he’s in a straitjacket. He can’t move. “We have to do everything we can for her,” Washer said.

The young woman’s father, who remains in intensive care and will have to undergo a long rehabilitation process, said that if he had known the risk that acroyoga maneuvers entailed for his daughter, he would have asked her not to do it.

Community has come together to help her

Family members started a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to cover the costs of the young woman’s recovery. In a short time, caring people have donated more than 155 thousand dollars for his treatment.

While the family says they are hopeful that Abby will regain mobility, doctors have offered no guarantees that this will happen.

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