A woman in New Zealand She was sentenced to two months in prison for mistreating and causing the death of her dog Nuggi. The court also ruled that he will have to pay a fine of NZ$1,222 and banned him from owning pets for a year for the injuries he caused to his pet.

Auckland SPCA rescued Nuggi in October 2021. At that time the dog weighed 53.7 kilos, a condition due to which he could not walk, according to local media NZ Herald.

The dog was extremely obese and suffered from other diseases.

SPCA veterinarians found that The dog’s extreme obesity made it impossible to hear his pulse with a stethoscope, since the sound could not penetrate the thick layer of fat.

In addition to his obesity, Nuggi suffered from conjunctivitis and had wounds on his elbows and belly.

He got to the point of giving him up to 10 pieces of chicken per day.

Despite the critical condition of the animal, The woman did not seek veterinary help or change her habits, which led to the tragedy.

The dog’s owner admitted that she fed him up to 10 pieces of chicken a day, as well as dog biscuits and processed food.

“Nuggi was being drastically overfed and instead of seeking help or correcting the behavior, his owner continued to overfeed him until he could barely walk. This is unacceptable”, said the SPCA executive director.

SPCA officials They described Nuggi’s situation as one of the worst they had seen. “This is a clear example of animal cruelty through negligence, and We are satisfied that justice has been served.”he added.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/condenan-a-una-mujer-por-sobrealimentar-a-su-perro-hasta-matarlo-pesaba-53-kilos-rg10

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