A shocking event has caused concern among consumers in Talca, a city in Chile, after a young woman discovered a screw in the ice cream she bought in a renowned ice cream parlor in the city.
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After the unexpected discovery, the young woman chose to file a complaint with the health authorities and the National Consumer Service (Sernac), demanding that the quality standards in the establishment be monitored, as reported by the local media Diario El Centro.
The young woman realized the screw in time
The incident occurred on Sunday, November 3, when the client went to the San Agustín ice cream parlor, located on 1 Sur street in Talca, to enjoy an ice cream. When checking the product, he noticed that there was a screw inside, which caused him great concern about the risk it could have posed to his health. and that of other consumers. Fortunately, the young woman did not consume the ice cream, thus avoiding possible ingestion of this metallic object.
El Centro Newspaper
The place where he bought the ice cream was pronounced
The ice cream parlor responded to the incident by acknowledging the error and the store manager proceeded to refund the money. However, the affected party considered that a refund was not enough to repair the risk to which it was exposed. and decided to notify the authorities. In his statements, he expressed that this situation should not be overlooked, since it implies a significant failure in the quality and food safety procedures of the establishment.
Through social networks, media attention fell on the ice cream parlor. Many users expressed their concern about the lack of controls in places where food is sold and supported the decision of the affected person to demand an inspection. so that similar incidents are not repeated.
What happens if you swallow a screw?
Health specialists warn about the risks involved in accidentally ingesting an object such as a screw. Dr. María Fernanda Bastías, a surgeon at the Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception, explains that ingesting a metallic body can cause severe injuries to the digestive system. such as perforations in the esophagus, stomach or intestines.
These injuries could be fatal if not treated quickly. Additionally, there is a possibility that the object could cause an intestinal obstruction or, in more serious cases, an infection in the digestive system. If the screw were directed into the airways, the risk would be even greater, as it could cause suffocation or lung infections.
So far, neither the Seremi de Salud nor the Sernac have issued official statements on whether they will carry out an investigation or inspection of the ice cream parlor in question. The young woman hopes that her complaint will help the authorities to act quickly. and review the procedures of this and other food establishments in the region, with the aim of protecting public health and consumer confidence.
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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/mujer-estaba-a-punto-de-comerse-un-helado-y-le-encontro-un-tornillo-rg10