“KAmala Harris won’t be focused on her problems, she’ll be focused on yours”said the former president on Tuesday (early this morning in Lisbon), in the most anticipated speech of the second day of the convention.
“We need a president who really cares about the millions of people who get up every day and do essential work.”said Barack Obama. “Let her defend her rights to negotiate better wages and working conditions. Yes, she can,” he added.
In a speech lasting about half an hour, the former Democratic leader paid tribute to Joe Biden, who was his vice president for eight years before being elected head of state in 2020.
#YesWeCan ļø #YesSheCan pic.twitter.com/Z6WQaRM9SI
ā 2024 Democratic National Convention (@DemConvention) August 21, 2024
“History will remember Joe Biden as an exceptional president who defended democracy from imminent danger”Obama said, highlighting the altruism of the withdrawal, “one of the rarest things in politics.”
The former president also criticized Donald Trump, saying he is “a 78-year-old millionaire who hasn’t stopped complaining about his problems since he got off the escalator nine years ago”. Obama was referring to the image that became associated with the moment Trump announced he was running for president, after descending the escalator at Trump Tower in New York in 2015.
The former Democratic leader also lamented Trump’s “childish nicknames” for opponents, his conspiracy theories and his “weird obsession with crowd sizes.”
He characterized the Republican candidate as someone who is only interested in cutting taxes for himself and his millionaire friends and doesn’t care if women have lost rights over their reproductive system, because that doesn’t affect him.
“Donald Trump sees power as nothing more than a means to his ends”he continued. And when the crowd made its displeasure with Trump heard, Obama urged: “don’t boo, vote”.
“Do not boo. Vote!” @BarackObama #DNC2024 pic.twitter.com/4gDkuQz1U8
ā AFT (@AFTunion) August 21, 2024
On the other side, he said, is a duo that can lead America to tell a new story, rather than choosing a sequel to a movie that didn’t do well the first time around.
“Kamala wasn’t born into privilege, she had to work for what she achieved”Obama said, noting that the candidate defended child victims of sexual abuse, fought against abusive banking policies and worked on behalf of homeowners who lost everything in the 2008 subprime crisis.
“She will work for the benefit of all Americans,” assured Barack Obama, who drew loud applause from convention attendees.
Former President @BarackObama is truly preaching tonight as he closes out the Democratic National Convention.
Obama continues to remind Americans that this election is closer than ever, making it essential that we come together and make it to the polls.#WeVoteBET #DNC2024 #BET pic.twitter.com/XiE4hMZiQD
ā BET (@BET) August 21, 2024
The former politician dedicated part of his speech to talking about the ideals that built the United States and the need to inspire voters again to want to defend democracy.
“Our job is to convince people that democracy works,” he said. “We can’t just point to what we’ve achieved; we have to chart a new path to meet today’s challenges.”
Obama further noted that “the rest of the world is watching to see if we can do this” and that no other nation has attempted to build a democracy as large and diverse as this one.
“When we stand up for our values, the world becomes a little brighter”he said. When this does not happen, dictators “feel emboldened” and the world is in greater danger.
Obama noted the great enthusiasm surrounding Harris’ campaign and said it shows that most Americans do not want to live in a “bitter and divided” country.
“Together, we can build a fairer, more equal and freer country”Obama said. “Get to work,” he urged.
The Democratic National Convention runs in Chicago until August 22, the day Kamala Harris will officially accept the nomination as presidential candidate.
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2618453/sim-ela-pode-diz-obama-em-discurso-muito-aplaudido-sobre-kamala