“DWe discussed the consequences of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the ongoing air terror, the difficult humanitarian situation and the results of our meeting with Pope Francis in June in Italy,” Zelensky wrote on the X social network.

According to the Ukrainian President, the meeting with the head of Vatican diplomacy, as part of a visit he is making to the country, also allowed for a discussion of the decisions of the first Summit for Peace and the role of the Vatican in “establishing a just and lasting peace for Ukraine”.

The Ukraine Peace Summit, held in Switzerland in June, ended with a statement in which the West reinforced its support for Kyiv and rejected the terms presented by Moscow for a ceasefire.

“I am grateful for the cardinal’s support for our country and our people,” Zelensky added.

The Vatican Secretary of State reaffirmed humanitarian aid to Ukraine and defended the need to find “formulas that can help open paths to peace”, regretting that we are “very far from a negotiated solution”.

“Obviously, when peace is made, it must be made between the two contenders, but it seems to me that we are still a long way off. I hope that we can also find other formulas that allow us to open up some ray of hope,” he said.

Regarding the meaning of his visit, the cardinal stated that the main message is to “keep the international community’s attention on the war, so that it does not become another forgotten conflict.”

Russia, which invaded Ukraine in February 2022, claimed the annexation of the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia in September of that year.

Ukraine and the general international community do not recognize Russian sovereignty in the five annexed regions.

Kyiv has been demanding Russia’s withdrawal from all of Ukraine, including Crimea, as a precondition for eventual peace talks.

Read Also: Belarus. Lukashenko celebrates 30 years in power with Kremlin protection

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2603475/zelensky-e-secretario-de-estado-do-vaticano-analisaram-dificil-situacao

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