A 19-year-old mechanic was shot and killed while driving his truck in Lanús, Argentina. The authorities are looking for the relatives of the victim’s ex-partner, as they are the main suspects in the young man’s crime.
The murdered man was identified as Enzo Gabriel Capis and had at least 2 gunshot wounds. The events occurred on Saturday, February 24, 2024 at dawn.
According to the young man’s family, the alleged murderers are relatives of his former romantic partner and they apparently murdered him after ending a conflictive relationship he had with the young woman.daughter of the owner of the mechanical workshop.
A witness to the incident said he saw the two relatives of Capis’ ex-girlfriend chasing the young man while he was driving.
In accordance with All News, the authorities are analyzing videos from security cameras that would have captured the moment when Enzo Capis deviates from his path and crashes into a light pole. In addition, they determined that the armed attack occurred 400 meters from the place where the accident occurred.
Neighbors in the area called emergencies and the Police determined that The victim had two gunshot wounds to the abdomen and the truck had received ten bullets.
The young man was taken to a health center after the attack, doctors operated on him, but he died from his serious injuries hours later.
Revenge behind the crime?
According to the Télam news agency, thanks to statements from family members and witnesses, investigators were able to determine the main hypothesis that the homicide could have been linked to revenge or conflict related to the romantic relationship of the two young people.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/joven-de-19-anos-fue-asesinado-a-tiros-su-exsuegro-y-excunado-son-los-principales-sospechosos-rg10