UA building collapsed this Thursday in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. At least four people died and 27 were injured, according to ABC Spain.

The collapse occurred at 8:30 pm (one hour less in mainland Portugal), when the first floor of a building on Rua Cartago collapsed onto the ground floor, where a restaurant operated.

Emergency authorities confirmed the existence of at least 27 injuries and four deaths. There are still an undetermined number of people inside the building.

Sources from the Palma Local Police, who are involved in the rescue, told El País that they fear the death toll will increase.

The Local Police and Firefighters were called and a crane company was also mobilized to lift the rubble. There is also a drone that is flying over the area.

Shortly before 10pm (local time), a young man with a broken arm, who had been trapped after the collapse, was rescued. El País highlights that the news was received with joy by the victims’ families, who traveled to the scene.

The press reported that around a thousand people gathered at the scene after the accident. The city’s mayors Jaime Martínez and Javier Bonet are also present.

The president of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Marga Prohens, assured that she was “shocked” when she found out about the accident. In a post on the social network X (formerly Twitter) she expressed her “affection” to the families of the fatal victims and wished a speedy recovery to all those injured.

[Notícia atualizada às 22h32]

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