A US court released key images in the case of the disappearance of Colombian Ana María Knezevich in Spain. Her husband, the main suspect, has been detained since May 4.

In the photographs revealed, Ana María’s husband is seen buying a spray on the same day his partner disappeared. Then he is seen, dressed as a home delivery driver, using black paint to cover the camera.

The husband of the disappeared woman – arrested on May 4 in Miami and in provisional prison – would have committed the crime motivated by a separation process and the distribution of a million-dollar estate.

Chronology of what the disappearance of Ana María Knezevich would have been like

The evidence that makes up the story of the events, which appears in the case summary and to which EFE has had access, comes from the recordings from traffic cameras from all over Europe, the positions of the suspect’s phone and the statements of several witnesses that place you in key places.

The first of all is his trip from Belgrade to Madrid in a car that he rented on February 29 in the Serbian capital, where he is from. Three days later he enters Spain through the La Junquera border crossing (north) and heads to Madrid carrying a stolen Serbian license plate.

At some point, between the night of the 1st and noon on the 2nd, he steals another license plate, this one Spanish, from a car parked in the Madrid town of Alcalá de Henares and places it on his rental vehicle.

The next point in their journey that the agents focus on takes place the morning of the day of Ana María Knezevich’s disappearance, in a hardware store in the Madrid town of Coslada, where she purchases black spray and duct tape.

Before heading to his partner’s apartment, he makes one last stop at a specialized motorcycling store and buys a helmet and a jacket.

With all this, he appears at Ana María Knezevich’s residence, where the cameras and antennas place both her car and her phone.

Posing as a delivery man, he enters the home and sprays the security cameras with black spray, although only partially. Place the duct tape on the door lock to prevent it from closing and He goes looking for a suitcase.

He returns with it a few minutes later and comes out again, supposedly with the body of Ana María Knezevich – who measured 1.47 meters and weighed 45 kilos – inside.. The same one that he got rid of at some point during his trip back to Belgrade, which ended more than a month and a half and 7,677 kilometers later.

Suspicious messages with a lover

Another of the clues that corner Ana María Knezevich’s husband are the messages he exchanged that same day with a woman with whom he had an extramarital relationship.

I need your help. I have a friend in Serbia who is a writer and has a character who is Colombian with a few phrases that she has to translate from English to Spanish the way a Colombian would say it. Would you be able to do it?“the suspect asks his lover.

She agrees and returns the translation: “I met a very cool person. He has a vacation home about two hours from Madrid. Now we’re leaving and I’ll spend a few days there. Although there’s barely any signal. I’ll let you know when I get back. Kisses.”

Using the missing woman’s cell phone, she sent the same message to two of her friends with the intention of deceiving them and trying to conceal the crime, according to investigators.

However, one of them sent it in Spanish and another in English, using in both cases expressions that the recipients recognized as inappropriate for their friend and that raised suspicions that would lead them to report her disappearance days later.

The National Police emphasizes, to conclude, that the now detained man had a motive to commit the crime: he did not want to divorce her and much less equally distribute his assets, companies and properties valued at about ten million dollars.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/revelan-imagenes-clave-en-caso-de-ana-maria-knezevich-colombiana-desaparecida-en-espana-rg10

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