“Os ministers [dos Negócios Estrangeiros] today reached agreement on a framework for the use of windfall profits from Russian fixed assets [em território europeu] and its allocation to the European Peace Support Mechanism [MEAP]”, said Josep Borrell, in a press conference at the end of a meeting in Luxembourg.

The first 1,400 million euros will be available in July and “another billion euros are expected by the end of the year”, he added.

This money will be used to supply ammunition and weapons to help Ukraine defeat the Russian invasion, which has been ongoing for almost two and a half years.

The EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy revealed that these windfall profits are for use “as quickly as possible” and “for the benefit of Ukraine”.

But “there is still a country that is blocking the use of 6,000 million euros”, he said, alluding to Hungary’s opposition: “As I did not want to participate […]also does not participate in the decision of how to use the money”.

Read Also: Around 800 of the 200,000 minors deported by Russia were returned

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2585734/ucrania-entrega-de-lucros-de-bens-russos-congelados-aceite-por-ministros-da-ue

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