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A lover of good food but also of simplicity, Antoine de Caunes spoke about his eating habits on the occasion of the launch of his new magazine soberly entitled “Vieux” in a interview with the Parisian. In particular, he reveals his favorite dishes as well as his favorite addresses.

Despite his life going a thousand miles an hour, Antoine de Caunes happily takes the time to sit down at a table, in peace, to share a meal with his family or friends. Don’t think he’s a fan of gourmet restaurants, though. By his own admission, “ the fuss of three-stars“bores him”deeply”. What he likes are “Italian and Japanese cuisines”. During his travels, he sometimes enjoys “raw”, raw fish, but also “fried fish” and of “risotto”. “It’s a cuisine that I feel good with”, he explains. It is no coincidence that his favorite dish is none other than “spaghetti alla puttanesca, with capers, tomatoes and anchovies”.

This great fish lover never misses an opportunity to enjoy it. When he goes to visit his daughter in Trouville, he inevitably stops by Pillet Saiter, a fishmonger where he buys one of his favorite products: sole. It is then up to his daughter to have the difficult task of preparing a delicious sole meunière. One of their favorite foods.

Concerning Japanese cuisine, the filmmaker admits to particularly liking that offered by “the Yamamoto restaurant, rue Chabanais”, an establishment located near his office. “Chef Swan masters the art of sushi and displays incredible imagination based on the ingredients and his inspiration”, he says. His second favorite dish actually comes from this cuisine: sushi. “I particularly like those with toro tuna (the fatty part) or very good salmon, or even lich, a very tasty white fish”, he says. What he hates, however, is offal, more precisely “lamb brain” et “guts”. “I tried, I convinced myself that I liked it… And finally, no: I really don’t like it!“, he says.

For Antoine de Caunes, eating well is essential. “For me, in food, the important thing is this: feeling goodhe explains, Hey, at the moment, I’m in a zero alcohol period and, from the morning, I’m totally focused, in great shape.” However, sometimes he is subject to cravings and incongruous desires. “I regularly suffer from food addictions. I can have a period of corn on the cob, where all I can think about is that, or burlat cherries, or even canned sardines. I can cross all of Paris in search of the ultimate sardine. I’m also obsessed with chocolate, I eat it every day, all kinds except white”, he admits.


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