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An essential chef on the small screen, Philippe Etchebest, who has just received the Legion of Honor, recently launched a new challenge: going 14,000 kilometers from France, heading to the archipelagos of French Polynesia and more precisely the Marquesas Islands . It’s in the documentary “A chef at the end of the world” broadcast this Thursday, November 9 on M6 that viewers will be able to rediscover this much-loved chef. Far from Top Chef or Nightmare in the Kitchen, this program is an opportunity to get to know this cook from a new angle.

Philippe Etchebest set out to explore a new, unknown culinary territory. For the chef it is certain, “this experience does not leave one indifferent”. Moreover, throughout the documentary, we find the chef as we have never seen him, as Alexandre Soullier, associate producer Bonne Pioche Télévision at the origin of this project, explains: “You will discover a Philippe Etchebest that you never suspected! We know Philippe Etchebest as someone who supervises, who judges, teaches, sometimes scolds candidates or restaurateurs in distress. But I always told myself that there was something else to do with the chef and that perhaps he also wanted to tell other stories”.

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In this documentary, the chef says: “It’s me”. The Marquesas Islands were a significant trip for him, an encounter with a territory in which he completely found himself and acclimatized. “I could very well have lived there”.

Between touching encounters, funny moments, or more intimate ones, the chef almost bares himself, he shakes up the codes: “I come away from what we are used to seeing on television in Top Chef, Objectif Top Chef or Nightmare in the Kitchen. I have the image of a boss who is a bit loud and harsh and I accept that, but in real life, I’m not like that. But that’s what I wanted to do too, to show another side of my personality. This allows me to discover myself differently. I am going beyond the scope of my role as chef.”

If the Chef specifies that he does not feel stuck in what he does on television, this program still remains “a good way to show something else”. Because for him, “it’s good to change”.

We are used to seeing a tough and sometimes uncompromising Philippe Etchebest with an imposing voice and a serious look in Nightmare in the Kitchen. It even sometimes scares some restaurateurs or some Top Chef candidates a little. If this image may have contributed to this success, Philippe Etchebest shows us with this new project that it does not reflect his whole personality. Today, we encounter another facet. More calm, composed and ultimately perhaps also more real. Philippe Etchebest admits it himself: he is sensitive: “I’m a sponge, I absorb a lot. I have a lot of empathy towards people”.

But don’t expect to discover a totally transformed Philippe Etchebest either. Despite everything, it remains, as the public appreciates it: totally authentic!

So don’t miss this documentary which will be broadcast this November 9 on M6 at 10:55 p.m.


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