“Sand we see Hamas terrorists shooting from hospitals, we will do what we have to do, kill them”, said Richard Hecht, admitting the “sensitive nature” of such actions.
“It would be easier if Hamas abandoned the hospitals and revealed itself clearly,” the spokesman added, accusing the Palestinian Islamist movement of “operating from inside the hospitals.”
The Israeli army “is taking every precaution not to attack people with IV fluids or with broken bones,” he said.
Although Israeli troops on the ground are supported by artillery, the army said on Thursday that it was targeting a Hamas “military center” near al-Shifa hospital.
According to Hamas, an Israeli attack on al-Shifa hospital caused 13 deaths and dozens of injuries today.
The hospital director mentioned Israeli tank fire at the medical complex’s maternity ward.
On October 7, fighters from Hamas — classified as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union and Israel — carried out an attack on Israeli territory of unprecedented dimensions since the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, causing more than 1,400 deaths. dead, mostly civilians, around 5,000 injured and more than 200 hostages.
In retaliation, Israel declared a war to “eradicate” Hamas, which began with cuts to food, water, electricity and fuel supplies in the Gaza Strip and daily bombings, followed by a ground offensive that surrounded Gaza City.
The war between Israel and Hamas, which today entered its 35th day and continues to threaten to spread throughout the Middle East region, has so far left more than 11,000 people dead in the Gaza Strip, almost 27,500 injured, 2,450 missing, most of them civilians, and around 1.5 million displaced people, according to local authorities.
Read Also: Attacks on hospitals in Gaza cause exodus of thousands sheltering there
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2438621/israel-ira-matar-combatentes-do-hamas-que-disparem-de-hospitais-em-gaza