Milei, ultraliberal candidate, beat Peronist Sergio Massa in the second round of the presidential elections that took place on Sunday in the neighboring country.

“I wish the new government good luck and success. Argentina is a great country and deserves all our respect. Brazil will always be available to work together with our Argentine brothers”, wrote Lula, who during the campaign in Argentina was defined by Milei of “communist” and “corrupt”.

“Democracy is the voice of the people, and it must always be respected. My congratulations to Argentine institutions for conducting the electoral process and to the Argentine people who participated in the electoral day in an orderly and peaceful manner”, he said.

Milei is close to Jair Bolsonaro, Lula’s predecessor, as well as a declared admirer of former US president Donald Trump. Bolsonaro has already enthusiastically congratulated Milei’s victory.

With close to 95% of the votes counted, Javier Milei remains with 55.79% and Sergio Massa with 44.20%, according to official partial results.

The President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, regretted that in Argentina “the extreme right” had won and stated that Milei’s election was “sad news for Latin America”.

“The extreme right has won in Argentina, it is the decision of its society. Sad for Latin America and we will soon see… neoliberalism no longer has proposals for society, it cannot respond to humanity’s current problems”, considered Petro in social network X.

The Colombian leader had called for a vote for Sergio Massa, against the “barbarity” he attributed to Milei’s eventual triumph.

In Chile, President Gabriel Boric welcomed Milei, expressing his willingness to “collaborate” with the new Government.

“I salute Javier Milei for his triumph and Sergio Massa for his dignified recognition of defeat. I wish the Argentine people the best and know that they will always count on our respect and support”, wrote the president on the social network X.

“As president of Chile, I will work tirelessly to keep our sister nations united and collaborating for the well-being of all”, said the head of state, also one of Milei’s political opposites.

The Peruvian government expressed its “warm congratulations” to Milei and welcomed “the democratic vocation demonstrated by the Argentine people in this successful electoral journey”

“Peru expresses its warm congratulations to Milei on his election as President of the Argentine Republic. In wishing him every success in his administration, it renews its commitment to continue strengthening the historic ties of friendship and cooperation that unite our countries”, indicated the Peruvian Presidency on the social network X.

The President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, also congratulated Milei through social media, anticipating “a lot of work together” between them.

“I greet President-elect Javier Milei. We have a lot to work on together and to improve our bilateral relations”, wrote Lacalle Pou.

In the first round, on October 22, Sergio Massa obtained 36.78% of the votes, while Milei, who is supported by former president Mauricio Macri and defines himself as an “anarcho-capitalist” – an extreme form of liberalism defending a capitalist society without a state – got 29.99%.

For the final stretch of the election, Milei obtained the support of third place in the first round, Patricia Bullrich.

The next Argentine president, who will succeed Peronist Alberto Fernández (2019-2023), will govern from December 10th for the period 2023-2027.

Read Also: Javier Milei promises “end of decadence” and “reconstruction of Argentina”

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