“AND a historic night for Argentina”, Milei told several thousand supporters at his campaign headquarters in Buenos Aires, after securing more than 55% of the votes, beating the current Peronist Economy Minister, Sergio Massa, who has already conceded defeat .
“The impoverishing caste model is over. Today [domingo] we are adopting the model of freedom, to become a world power again”, said Milei. “One way of doing politics ends and another begins”, he added.
“We face monumental problems: inflation, stagnation, lack of real jobs, insecurity, poverty and misery”, enumerated the president-elect. “Problems that will only have a solution if we once again embrace the ideas of freedom”, he added
“There is no room for gradualism, there is no room for lukewarmness or half measures”, warned Milei.
During the campaign, the candidate promised to introduce the United States dollar as the national currency, to combat inflation, currently at 143%, among other ruptures in the country’s economic and financial policies.
Another proposal is a drastic reduction in the number of ministries, to just eight, which led his opponent to state during the campaign that the provision of essential services to the population was at stake, including Health and Education.
The economist reached out on Sunday night to “all Argentines and political leaders, all those who want to join the new Argentina”, but also warned about possible social resistance to his reforms.
“We know that there are people who will resist, who will want to maintain this system of privileges for some, but which impoverishes the majority. I tell you this: everything that is in the law is permitted, but nothing beyond the law”, he stressed.
With 97.6% of the votes counted, Javier Milei remains with 55.8% and Sergio Massa with 44.2%, according to official partial results from the second round of the presidential elections.
In the first round, on October 22, Massa obtained 36.78% of the votes, while Milei, who is supported by former president Mauricio Macri and defines himself as an “anarcho-capitalist” – an extreme form of liberalism defending a society Stateless capitalist – got 29.99%.
For the final stretch of the election, Milei obtained the support of third place in the first round, Patricia Bullrich.
The next Argentine president, who will succeed Peronist Alberto FernĂ¡ndez (2019-2023), will govern from December 10th for the period 2023-2027.
Milei asked the FernĂ¡ndez Government “to be responsible” and “assume its responsibilities until the end of its mandate”.
Read Also: Javier Milei is the new president of Argentina
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2444412/javier-milei-promete-fim-da-decadencia-e-reconstrucao-da-argentina