CWith a global average temperature of 14.22°C, the month was 0.32°C warmer than the previous record set in November 2020.

November 2023 was also 1.75°C warmer than the November average for the period 1850-1900, which corresponds to the pre-industrial era.

Boreal autumn (September to November in the northern hemisphere) is thus the hottest in history, with 15.30°C, that is, “a wide margin” of 0.88°C above the averages.

“2023 now has six record months and two record seasons. This extraordinary month of November, which includes two days with temperatures two degrees above pre-industrial levels, means that 2023 is the hottest year ever recorded in history,” said the deputy director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), Samantha Burgess, in a statement.

Since January, the average temperature has been the warmest ever measured in the first 11 months of the year: 1.46°C above the climate average for the period 1850-1900 and 0.13°C above the first 11 months of 2016. the hottest year to date.

“As long as greenhouse gas concentrations continue to increase, we should not expect results different from those observed this year. Temperatures will continue to rise, as will the effects of heat waves and droughts”, warned the director of C3S, Carlo Buontempo, mentioned in the statement.

The cyclical climate phenomenon El Nino over the Pacific will continue to increase temperatures in 2023, but has not yet reached its peak.

In November 2023, the ocean surface temperature was also the hottest for this time of year, 0.25°C higher than the previous peak, in November 2015. This new heat record joins the other maximums recorded every month since April.

The extent of the ice pack in the Arctic, to the north, recorded its 8th monthly minimum for November, 4% below average. In Antarctica, the second lowest level for the month of November was recorded, 9% below average, according to Copernicus.

The drought continued last month in several regions of the United States, Central and East Asia, and was particularly pronounced in South America.

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