O United Nations daily report on the conflict said that infections such as meningitis, chickenpox, jaundice, as well as respiratory and skin diseases were identified among people displaced in centers of the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees.

The document once again denounced the attacks on health facilities in Gaza, which became scenes of combat after Israel accused the Islamist movement Hamas of using them as a refuge for armed militias and even as operations centers.

The report recalled that, on Monday, after two weeks of siege, the Al Awda hospital, in the city of Jabalia, in northern Gaza, was invaded by Israeli soldiers who detained, stripped, tied and interrogated patients, doctors and refugees, including minors.

Most were taken back to the hospital, but at least six people, including the hospital director, remain in detention, according to information from the non-governmental organization Doctors Without Borders.

On Tuesday, another similar operation, this time at Al Ahli hospital in Gaza City, resulted in the detention of several doctors and patients, as well as the destruction of the main entrance to the facility.

The vicinity of Al Yaman al Shaeed hospital in Jabalia has also seen intense projectile and gun attacks in recent days, the report added.

Only nine of the 36 hospitals in the Gaza Strip are partially functioning, all of them in the southern half of the enclave, while in the north four centers provide extremely limited services to patients and are unable to admit new patients.

For six days, Gaza has been experiencing an almost total cut in telecommunications and internet services, which makes emergency operations and access to information on the evolution of the conflict difficult, the UN said.

The United Nations World Food Program has warned that half of the population of Gaza is in a situation of serious or extreme hunger and that 90% of the territory’s inhabitants go entire days without eating.

Read Also: UN emissary considers aid measures in Gaza insufficient

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2465003/onu-deteta-360-mil-casos-de-doencas-infecciosas-nos-refugiados-em-gaza

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