Holy Week, a deeply established holiday in numerous cultures around the world, brings with it a period of reflection and veneration in the Christian tradition.

However, there is a place in Latin America where this celebration is not taken into account and that is in Uruguay. Contrary to what is believed, this country has eliminated Holy Week from its official calendar for more than 100 years.

Instead of focusing on religious aspects, Uruguay promotes internal tourism during these dates, encouraging its citizens to explore different regions of the country, enjoy its natural and cultural diversity, and promoting local economic development.

Why did Uruguay stop celebrating Holy Week?

In 1919, Uruguay adopted a secular approach as part of its State policies. The intention was to disassociate public festivities from any specific religious connotation, thus reflecting the principle of secularism that promotes the religious neutrality of the State.

Instead of commemorating the life of Jesus, Uruguay officially calls this time the Tourism Week. During these days, Uruguayans are encouraged to Enjoy your free time, explore your country and appreciate its natural and cultural wealth. The celebration, although not religious, is still a moment of rest and integration for society.

Creole Week and other traditions

Despite the absence of Holy Week in the official calendar, some regions of Uruguay have linked these dates to events such as the Creole Week. This festival takes place in Montevideo and features attractions such as riders who take to the ring riding wild horses.

Although not directly related to Holy Week, Creole Week is an example of how Uruguay has adapted its traditions to celebrate culture and national identity.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/el-unico-pais-de-latinoamerica-que-no-celebra-la-semana-santa-alli-es-llamada-semana-de-turismo-so35

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