While Mexico and the United States affirm that there is a reduction in the migratory flow on their border due to greater surveillance, Thousands of undocumented immigrants take more and more risks in the deserts of northern Mexico to circumvent increasing immigration controls.
The most recent case occurred just Tuesday, when authorities found to four migrants from Colombia and Venezuela who were trapped in the dunes of Samalayucain the desert of the state of Chihuahua, where they were lost while trying to evade military control in the south of Ciudad Juárez, on the border with El Paso, Texas.
These people presented dehydration and hypothermia conditions. One of them managed to call 911 and ask for a rescue. The three men and one woman faced high temperatures of the region and, according to the Government of Chihuahua, They had gone hours without eating food or water. They were transferred to hospitals in Ciudad Juárez.
The fact illustrates that now thousands of undocumented immigrants choose to brave the Chihuahuan Desert and walk more than 400 kilometers of road. and dunes in the final stretch of their journey to the United States to avoid the growing checkpoints in Mexico, which reports more than 32,000 soldiers on immigration tasks at the borders.
“Right now I no longer have the money to continue moving forward and everything is just walking and walking, What they told us is that from here to the border it is four or five days walking,” Jhonan Iker José Pérez, a Venezuelan who arrived in the city of Chihuahua, the state’s capital of the same name, on a train, told EFE.
The migrant, who He is now spending the night in a camp of more than 2,000 foreigners near the railway tracks in the city of Chihuahua, 444 kilometers from the border Ciudad Juárez, said that agents from the National Migration Institute (INM) They capture them if they find them on buses or in taxis.
Therefore, he considers that his only two remaining options are to risk the dangerous journey on the freight train or to walk along the road that crosses the desert to the border.
“It’s complicated because sometimes you don’t have to eat, one lasts two or three days without eating, sometimes you don’t have water, If you take children, they get tired, you put them down, you take the courage to do it because of the need that you actually go through,” he confessed.
A journey with more restrictions
The Government of Mexico has reinforced controls this year after the increase in 77% in irregular migration in 2023, when it detected more than 782,000 migrants in this situation.
The Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured last month that the daily encounters of migrants on the border with the United States They fell almost 55% from December to March.
Despite the panorama, Subendez Ortega Quevedo, who left Venezuela due to the few economic opportunities, told EFE that People dare to continue boarding the Beast train, which goes from the south to the north of Mexico.
“Yesterday at dawn more than 1,000 people came on the Beast train and Every day thousands of people come entering Mexico, We must find the solution to try to avoid catching that beast,” said the migrant.
The Venezuelan pointed out that, faced with the “harassment” of Immigration, people are “responding with violence.”
“If they take us down, they will return us to the beginning of the Guatemalan border with Mexico, “Starting the same thing over again is what affects us the most,” he narrated.
He also denounced that operations on means of transportation push migrants to more dangerous routes.
“People already have their money to be able to take transportation from here to the (bus) terminal, but Immigration is there, “You have to go around it to be able to grab a vehicle to get to Juárez,” he added.
Thus, They only have to go “to the desert, walk and try to get some water.” and a little substance to be able to support themselves, both children and people who cannot.”
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/rescataron-a-4-migrantes-en-un-desierto-de-mexico-casi-mueren-tratando-de-llegar-a-ee-uu-cb20