OHezbollah fighters fired “a volley of rockets” at northern Israel “in response to attacks by the Israeli enemy against (…) civilians in Tair Harfa”a village on the border with Israel, Hezbollah said in a statement.
In a separate statement, the group claimed responsibility for the attacks, including rocket attacks on barracks in northern Israel.
Hours earlier, the Lebanese National News Agency (ANN) reported that at least two people died and several were injured when a ‘drone’, identified as Israeli, bombed a group of technicians carrying out maintenance work in the southern city of Tair Harfa. from Lebanon.
According to the same source, the drone attacked a team from the Lebanese telecommunications company Touch while it was carrying out maintenance operations at a transmission station, where it was accompanied by rescuers from the Islamic Message Scouts Association.
ANN did not provide details on the identity of the victims, although the Islamic Message Scouts Association announced, in a statement, the death of one of the Civil Defense paramedics, Ghaleb Hussein al-Hajj.
The humanitarian aid organization, linked to the Lebanese Shiite group Amal, said only that Al-Hajj lost his life “in the performance of his national and humanitarian duty” in southern Lebanon.
The company, one of Lebanon’s two main telephone operators, has not yet officially commented on the incident or confirmed whether there were casualties among its workers.
For seven months now, Israel and the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah have been involved in the worst crossfire since the 2006 conflict, an outbreak of violence that occurs in the context of the Gaza war and in which other Lebanese formations, such as Amal, are also involved in lesser degree.
This is not the first time that the Islamic Message Scouts Association has lost a member due to an action attributed to the Jewish State, which since the start of the clashes has bombed several emergency and health centers.
Earlier this week, Human Rights Watch (HRW) called on the United States to suspend its military support for Israel, after finding that an “illegal” attack last March that killed seven paramedics at a relief center in the south from Lebanon, was carried out with a North American device.
These deaths bring the death toll to 402 in seven months of violence in southern Lebanon, most of them Hezbollah fighters, but also 79 civilians.
On the Israeli side, 14 soldiers and nine civilians were killed, according to an official report.
Read Also: Hezbollah bombs northern Israel in retaliation for the death of fighters
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2558180/hezbollah-reivindica-disparos-de-foguetes-contra-norte-de-israel