He 72% of voters registered in the United States says US President Joe Biden should not run for re-electionaccording to a survey conducted by CBS News and YouGov after the debate on Thursday, June 27, 2024.
Which translates to an increase of 9 points compared to the same question in February.
Biden, 81, has seen his candidacy weakened as a candidate Democrat to the November elections after the debate with former President Donald Trump (2017-2021) in which he appeared physically clumsy and at times hesitant, incoherent and unable to finish a sentence.
Despite everything, the current president said the next day who did not intend to leave the race to seek a second term.
86% of those questioned in the survey believes Biden’s age is a key reason he should not run and the 72% say Biden does not have the mental and cognitive health to be presidentseven points more than at the beginning of June.
When asked more directly whether Biden should step aside as the Democratic nominee to give another Democrat the opportunity to run, 64% of voters said they should.
Not only was Joe Biden consulted
The survey, which was conducted on Friday and Saturday between 1,134 registered voters and has a margin of error of 4.2 percentage points, It also shows concern among voters about Trump, 78.
Regarding the Republican candidate, the poll indicates that the 49% of voters believe that He does not have the mental and cognitive health to serve as president, and 54% say he should not run.
After this week’s face-to-face, the American media and polls They showed Trump as the winner of the debate between the two candidates.
A poll by CNN, the network in charge of the first debate between the presidential candidates in November, indicated on Thursday that registered voters who watched the meeting “largely think that Trump surpassed Biden.”
“Most say they have no real confidence in Biden’s ability to lead the country. At the same time, most who tuned in to the show say it had little or no effect on their choice for president,” the channel said.
The Republicans who witnessed the first debate of 2024 expressed broad confidence in Trump’s performanceaccording to the poll, while Democrats are less optimistic about their party’s presumptive nominee.
“And 96% of observers say Trump did a better job, while 69% “The most modest of Democratic debate observers see Biden as the winner of the night,” according to the poll.
In 2020, when both candidates were fighting for the Oval Office, the same poll found that audiences thought Biden outperformed Trump in their two presidential debates.
For its part, a YouGov poll conducted on Saturday indicates that Trump won the debate by a two-to-one margin. Forty-three percent of respondents thought Trump won the debate, compared with 22 percent who said Biden won. The remaining 35 percent said they were unsure.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/tras-debate-72-de-votantes-dice-que-joe-biden-no-deberia-aspirar-a-la-reeleccion-cb20