For decades, humanity has witnessed sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), fueling speculation about visitors from other worlds. However, a recent study by Harvard researchers proposes a fascinating theory: the possibility that some extraterrestrials that have been recorded do not come from other galaxiesbut rather that they are the product of an advanced civilization that has lived hidden on Earth for thousands of years.

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The study that would be close to being published in the journal Philosophy and Cosmology, challenges conventional conceptions about extraterrestrial life by suggesting that there could be beings from another planet living among us for a long time, hidden in strategic places and little explored by humanity.

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One of the sites highlighted by scientists is the Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico, a place that has long been the subject of speculation and conspiracy theories about the presence of extraterrestrial bases. The numerous UFO sightings near its crater over the years reinforce this idea.

More than just an iconic natural wonder of Mexico, Popocatépetl is now becoming a focus of global astrobiological research, attracting scientists and enthusiasts from around the world seeking to discover whether this volcano could harbor extraterrestrial life beneath its depths.

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The experts of Harvard mention other potential areas where extraterrestrial civilizations could hide.

The Alaska Triangle, famous for its numerous UFO sightings and unexplained disappearances since the 1970s, is one of them. Also noted is the underwater structure off the coast of Yonaguni Jima in Japan. as another possible vestige of an ancient civilization, raising questions about its origin and its possible relationship with extraterrestrial life.


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