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Like every evening on the show “Tous en Cuisine”, Cyril Lignac shared with us a simple and gourmet recipe to enjoy. This time, head to Italy with small pasta accompanied by a ragout of tomatoes and fresh red tuna. As always with the chef, it is the promise of a tasty dish rich in flavor. Discover how to make this recipe step by step:

1. Start by chopping the onion. Chop the garlic and the basil. In a heated skillet, pour a drizzle of olive oil, add the chopped onion, chopped garlic and basil. Leave to cook gently without trying to color the ingredients.

2. Then cut the tuna into small cubes and add it to the pan. Let simmer for a few minutes to allow the flavors to blend. Add whole tomatoes and tomato coulis, fragrant thyme and whole olives. Simmer for about 10 minutes, letting the flavors blend.

3. In a pot of boiling water, drop the gnocchetti. Let them cook for 6 minutes if they are dry, or only 3 minutes if they are fresh. No need to cool them after cooking. Drain them then add them to the tuna tomato sauce. Let them simmer again for 6 minutes if you opted for dry gnocchetti, or 1 to 2 minutes if you preferred fresh gnocchetti.

For the final touch, finely chop the basil. Toss the pasta with the sauce, then serve garnished with fresh basil and a drizzle of olive oil.


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