ORussia’s attacks on Ukrainian Black Sea ports risk “having far-reaching impacts on global food security, in particular in developing countries”, the head of political affairs of the United Nations told the Security Council, this Friday. fair.

According to Rosemary DiCarlo, in statements quoted by Reuters, threats about the potential attack on civilian vessels in Black Sea waters – made by both Russia and Ukraine – are unacceptable.

Any risk of conflict resulting from a military incident in the Black Sea – whether intentional or accidental – must be avoided at all costs, as it could have potentially catastrophic consequences for all of us.”he stated.

In the view of the head of political affairs at the United Nations, “the new wave of attacks on Ukrainian ports risks having far-reaching impacts on global food security, in particular in developing countries”.

Rosemary DiCarlo added that attacks on civilian infrastructure can also constitute a war crime.

It should be recalled that tensions intensified again in the Black Sea after Russia’s suspension of the agreement on the export of Ukrainian cereals, negotiated under the auspices of Turkey and the UN in July 2022 and which allowed ships to leave ports Ukrainians through protected maritime corridors.

Already on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin assured that Russia was prepared to return to the agreement on the export of Ukrainian cereals if its requests were fulfilled “in full”, and without which its extension “stops make sense”.

Russia’s demands include the reintegration of its agricultural bank, Rosselkhozbank, into the SWIFT international banking system, the lifting of sanctions on spare parts for agricultural machinery, the unblocking of transport logistics and insurance, the unfreezing of assets and the reopening of of the Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline, which exploded on 5 June.

Also Read: Cereal Agreement. Erdogan urges West to comply with Russia’s requests

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2365839/ataques-a-portos-ucranianos-com-risco-de-ter-impactos-de-grande-alcance

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