“DWe must remember that the sacred commitment we make to our allies, that is, to defend every inch of NATO territory, also strengthens our own security and provides the United States with a defense that is unmatched in the world,” the American leader wrote in a statement released on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty.

Biden recalled that NATO “is the greatest military alliance that has ever existed”, but highlighted that this fact “did not happen by chance and was also not guaranteed in advance”.

His opponent in next November’s presidential elections, Donald Trump, raised alarm in Europe in February when he threatened that the US could stop guaranteeing the protection of Europe’s allies against Russia if they did not guarantee the budget for their own defense.

At that time, Trump explained that his statements were just a way of putting pressure on Europeans to guarantee the commitments contained in the North Atlantic treaty itself.

“Don’t forget that all of this is more important for them than for us. We have an ocean that separates us from some problems”, argued the Republican candidate.

In this election campaign, Biden presents himself as a fervent supporter of NATO and as one who contributed to strengthening the Alliance, favoring the recent accession of Finland and Sweden to the group that now includes 32 countries.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2534065/biden-defende-compromisso-sagrado-dos-eua-com-nato

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