Esfiha, the small baked pie originating from Lebanon and Syria is extremely popular among Brazilians. Check out this recipe to see how easy it is to prepare!

Dough Ingredients

  • 4 and ¼ cups (tea) of wheat flour
  • 2 tablets of fresh organic yeast
  • 1 and ½ cup of milk
  • ½ cup (tea) oil
  • ½ tablespoon of sugar
  • ½ dessert spoon of salt
  • 1 ovo
  • 1 beaten egg yolk for brushing

Filling Ingredients

  • ½ kg of ground beef
  • 1 large onion finely chopped
  • 2 tomatoes, skinless, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper sauce
  • 1 dessert spoon of salt
  • Juice of 2 lemons

Dough Preparation Method

  1. In a blender, beat the milk, egg, sugar, oil, yeast and salt well.
  2. Pour it into a bowl and add the flour until you get a soft dough that doesn’t stick to your hands.
  3. Let it rest for 10 minutes.

Filling preparation method

In a bowl, mix all the ingredients well.

Esfihas Assembly

  1. Grease and flour a large baking dish. Reserve.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  3. Make balls with the dough.
  4. Roll them out into circles, starting from the first ball that was made.
  5. Stuff and close, giving it the shape of a sfiha.
  6. Place the esfihas on the baking tray and brush them with the egg yolk.
  7. Place in the oven to bake until golden.

Mom Tips

To obtain soft sfihas, when removing them from the oven, store them in a closed container.

Approximate yield of 30 units.


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