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The Christmas log is often the end point of a successful meal, the dessert which closes the festivities in style. However, let’s be real, not all of us are great pastry chefs. With the rest of the meal to prepare, the table decoration, and the gifts to wrap, we can’t all spend several hours making the log. But don’t panic, we have a quick and delicious solution to offer you: an easy-to-make log, with a soft biscuit and a creamy ganache. The addition of coconut brings an additional note of delicacy and exoticism to this festive creation. So, get your aprons on! And if you’re looking for more ideas for your party menu, find all our Christmas recipes on our dedicated page !

Ingredients :

For the biscuit:

  • 20 g bitter cocoa or unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 3 eggs
  • 20 g of starch
  • 50 g of sugar
  • 20 g of flour

For the white chocolate whipped ganache:

  • 225 g of cream + 75 g
  • 150 g of white chocolate
  • A tablespoon of honey or maple syrup

For the syrup:

  • 20 g of cane sugar syrup
  • 10 g of water

For decoration:

Steps :

The ganache:

Fifteen minutes before you start, place two bowls in the freezer. Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bain-marie and bring the 75 g of cream and the honey to a simmer. Smooth the chocolate then add the hot cream in three batches, mixing vigorously using a spatula. Add the 225 g of cream and mix. Pour the ganache into the 2 bowls, cover with film and set aside in the refrigerator for 20 minutes so that the ganache sets.

The biscuit :

Beat the whites until stiff, adding the sugar little by little when the whites start to foam. When the whites are firm, add the yolks and mix delicately with a spatula. Sift flour, cornstarch and cocoa over the bowl. Gently add to the spatula. Pour the dough onto a baking sheet then smooth with a spatula. Bake in a preheated oven at 170°C for 8 minutes. The biscuit should be soft.

Unmold the biscuit onto a damp cloth then brush it with the hot syrup. Wait a few minutes (the biscuit cools very quickly) before filling it.

Assembling the log:

Beat the ganache with a whisk or electric mixer into a slightly firm whipped cream. Add 3/4 of the cream and smooth. Add 55 g of grated coconut to the cream and roll the biscuit. Close the cloth over the biscuit and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Finishes :

Before serving the log, remove the ends of the rolled biscuit by cutting at an angle. Place the biscuit on the serving dish, add the rest of the cream and smooth. Add the rest of the grated coconut and it’s ready!

You can keep this log for up to 48 hours in the refrigerator.

For a more intense coconut flavor with hints of hazelnut, simply toast the coconut for a few minutes. To do this, place it on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and bake for 5 minutes at 160ºC.

If you are not a fan of white chocolate, you can replace it with dark or milk chocolate in the recipe.


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