Carlos Eduardo Barrera Mantilla, who was living in Florida, United States, with his wife and two children and who had just turned 64, was killed on March 24 on a highway in that country. The person responsible for the tragedy fled.
The victim worked with an important company and had been transferred to the North American country 15 years ago, as revealed by her sister MarĂa Clara Barrera Mantilla to Vanguardia, from Bucaramanga, where this person was from.
On March 24, Barrera went out riding his bicycle and near the area where he lived in Florida, United States, he was violently hit by a vehicle.
“The truck hit the cyclist from behind with such force that the bike was smashed into pieces.. The victim was transported to the hospital with critical injuries and died shortly after,” according to the Telemundo Florida channel.
The driver did not help the Colombian businessman, did not call 911 and fled.
However, United States authorities informed Barrera’s family that The person responsible for the tragedy had been identified and is awaiting his capture before being prosecuted.
The businessman’s sister stated that he “was very fond of cycling. “On November 28, our mother died and now he died tragically.”
He added that “the United States authorities have classified the case as a homicide. We have to say that he came out with a helmet and all the safety elements.”
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/empresario-colombiano-murio-arrollado-en-estados-unidos-y-el-conductor-se-dio-a-la-fuga-rg10