Guterres added that the agreement was reached “after many years in which the debate on this issue was blocked”.

The COP28 global agreement “clearly” reaffirms the imperative need to limit the rise in global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius, requiring drastic reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions, Guterres said after adopting the document in the summit plenary .

“Science tells us that it is impossible to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees without phasing out all fossil fuels within a timeframe compatible with this limit. This fact has been recognized by a growing and diverse coalition of countries,” said Guterres .

“I want to say that the exit from fossil fuels is inevitable, whether you like it or not. Let’s hope it doesn’t come too late”, stressed Guterres, adding that “the world cannot afford delays, indecision or half measures”.

The countries gathered at the climate summit approved today “by consensus” a decision that calls for a “transition” towards abandoning fossil fuels, announced the president of COP28, in Dubai.

At the opening of the closing plenary session, delegates adopted the decision prepared by the United Arab Emirates, which was applauded.

It is a “historic decision to accelerate climate action”, said Sultan Al Jaber, president of the UN conference.

Read Also: António Guterres, the “face” of calls for a ceasefire in Gaza

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