Former US President Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal a payment intended to silence porn star Stormy Daniels. María Teresa Aya, international analyst for Noticias Caracol, explained this new scenario and its impact on the campaign for the White House.

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What political impact will the ruling have, in your opinion?

The expert pointed out that Donald Trump has taken advantage of every moment he has been given every time he is called to trial or every time charges are brought against him to gain more followers in their political base.

“He has taken advantage of the national visibility that the news gives him regarding these issues. And, right now, that’s not going to be a big exception. He He is going to take advantage of this to try to win not only financially, but also in the elections and attract voters.”, he noted.

Teresita Aya was emphatic in assuring that the former president will most likely be victimized. “He has said that this is political persecution and this is an idea that resonates with many in the political base in the United States, who see a government that persecutes them. “Maybe not criminally or criminally, but with taxes that are on them all day long.”

What processes are there against Donald Trump?

In addition to the appeal that is being initiated in the Stormy Daniels case, there are three other major processes open. One for the attempted interference in the results of the presidential elections in Georgia, with pressure on electoral officials.

>>> Who is Stormy Daniels, a porn actress who was a key player in the case against Donald Trump?

The other so-called Mar-a-Lago case for unlawful possession at the Florida residence of 48 boxes of classified documents. And the last, that of the attempt to reverse the results of the presidential elections with the assault on the Capitol. None of them have a start date, for now, and, in the most delicate case, the Supreme Court of Justice’s ruling on presidential immunity is expected, which should occur in June.

Could any of these cases get in the way of Trump’s election?

For Teresita Aya, “it is very likely that, due to the Stormy Daniels case, the former president could be given what is called parole, a measure that limits Donald Trump’s movements to the state of New York or Florida, since he would have to travel and move frequently. At the moment, the other cases are delayed.”

We are also waiting to see whether or not the former president can have immunity.

“None of these cases are going to happen before the elections. And if Trump wins, the Supreme Court has said that no sitting president can be tried. That is, all this is delayed. There is talk of self-forgiveness when he is president for the case that has already been tried, that of Stormy Daniels, but the only one who can forgive him is the governor of New York and that is a Democrat,” Teresita Aya said.

Regarding the role of Joe Biden, the analyst said that the head of state sends a message that no one is above the law and that democracy is saved. However, many are criticizing his lukewarmness in the face of this whole situation.


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