For busy days, nothing better than a tasty, quick and easy-to-make meal! You will become a fan of this polenta!


  • 250 grams of cornmeal
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 1 tablet of meat broth
  • 1 clove of minced garlic
  • 1 grated onion
  • Parsley to taste
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 100 grams of ground beef
  • ½ can of ready-made tomato sauce
  • 200 grams of sliced ​​mozzarella cheese

Preparation Mode

  1. In the pressure cooker, add a liter of water and bring to a boil.
  2. Add the meat broth, garlic, onion and parsley.
  3. Dissolve the cornmeal with the rest of the water.
  4. Pour the cornmeal mixture into the pressure cooker when the water has boiled.
  5. Add the margarine, olive oil and stir.
  6. Add salt, cover the pan and leave on low heat for 15 minutes after the pan starts to sizzle.
  7. Saute the ground meat however you prefer.
  8. Add the tomato sauce and set aside.
  9. Turn off the pan, release the pressure, open and place half the polenta in a refractory dish.
  10. Spread the slices of mozzarella, add the remaining polenta and, on top, pour the ground meat with the sauce.
  11. Please continue.

Mom Tips

Approximate yield of 10 servings.

Also check out the recipe for polenta gratin with bacon and pepperoni.


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