“RI reiterate my appeal to Israeli leaders not to increase in any way the scale of attacks against civilians and to immediately put an end to operations that amount to genocide,” Erdogan wrote on the X network, formerly Twitter.

“It is clear that killing children, women and civilians, bombing hospitals, schools, mosques and churches does not bring security,” he added, calling on the entire international community to act to achieve a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza as quickly as possible. .

Erdogan accused the Israeli government of acting “like an organized [terrorista]provoking actors outside the region, instead of acting in accordance with the reason of State”.

“Our region must be saved as quickly as possible from this crazy frenzy, which Western countries support, while the Western press tries to legitimize it,” he wrote.

The Turkish president concluded by proposing “new mechanisms to guarantee the security of Muslims, Jews, Christians and everyone who lives in these lands” and promised that Turkey will continue to do everything in its power to achieve this.

Turkey is a historic ally of Israel, although relations were strained after ten Turkish activists were killed in the Israeli attack on a humanitarian aid fleet trying to reach Gaza in 2010, but last year the two countries reestablished relations full diplomacy.

Erdogan’s government has often been close to Hamas, but has always sought a mediating role in the Palestinian conflict and affirmed its commitment to a two-state solution.

Read Also: Erdogan is negotiating with Hamas for the release of Israeli hostages

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2424372/erdogan-pede-a-israel-para-parar-operacoes-que-equivalem-a-um-genocidio

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