SAccording to the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, Moscow abandoned the treaty after months of “irresponsible threats” in which it even hinted at the possibility of carrying out tests with atomic weapons again.
On behalf of the 27 EU member states, Borrell, in a statement, classified the aforementioned treaty as “a fundamental instrument” in matters of disarmament and non-proliferation, among other things because it opens the door to monitoring and the creation of “credible” tools , reliable and independent” that guarantee that no country carries out a nuclear test.
“The European Union urges Russia to respect the purpose and objectives of the treaty”, declared Borrell in his note, regretting what he considered “a serious step backwards” on the part of Moscow, despite the treaty technically not having entered into force because several countries that signed it at the time did not ratify it, including the United States.
The head of community diplomacy took the opportunity to appeal to all countries that have not yet ratified it to complete the procedures, “without conditions and without further delay”.
The EU, he added, “remains fully committed to promoting the entry into force and universalization” of the text, with the aim of continuing to move towards “a world free of nuclear tests”.
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2432605/ue-condena-saida-da-russia-de-tratado-nuclear-apos-meses-de-ameacas