EThis amount, according to a statement, is the largest financial contribution allocated within the scope of the solidarity fund, and is included in a total amount of one billion euros (ME) that the EU committed to at an international donor conference and at which seven billion were raised for Turkey and Syria.
When signing the agreement for the allocation of 400 ME, the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, said that it was not only the first time that such an amount from the fund was allocated to a candidate country [Ć adesĆ£o Ć UE]as it is also the first one that Turkey is the recipient of.
“This exceptional level of support is justified by the exceptional circumstances”, he highlighted, adding that “when support is needed, Europe responds, not only to its Member States but also to its neighbours”.
The devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit southeastern Turkey on February 6, 2023 killed 53,537 people and injured 107,213, according to authorities in Ankara.
With the 1,414 deaths recorded by official sources in the areas controlled by Damascus in Syria and the more than 4,500 in regions outside the control of the Syrian regime, the catastrophe killed almost 60,000 people.
Read Also: EU recalls “devastating earthquakes” in Turkey and Syria and announces support
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2497329/ue-financia-com-400-mihoes-de-euros-reconstrucao-pos-sismo-na-turquia