An unusual episode occurred in the Argentine city of Córdoba: A man pretended to be a passenger and robbed a taxi driver, but when he got out of the vehicle three thieves attacked him.

Todo Noticias reported that the subject boarded the taxi and threatened the driver with a firearm, demanding that she transport him to a nearby neighborhood.

When the subject arrived at the area He proceeded to get out of the vehicle to escape and that was when three robbers approached him.

As if it were a joke, the criminals used the same modality that the subject used with the womanbecause they intimidated him with a firearm.

The three criminals took the valuables from the taxi driver and the false passenger, who was also stripped of the item he used to threaten the driver.

These guys became desperate, because they realized that they had robbed another thief. One of them got behind the wheel and drove several blocks; however, Due to apparent nervousness, he ended up crashing.

It was then that the Police were present in the area and captured one of the criminals, who has a record for the crime of theft.

For now the authorities They are searching for the subject’s accomplices and the thief who intimidated the taxi driver in the first place.


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