JThe first victims of the fire that broke out in Valencia this Thursday afternoon have been identified. Municipal sources confirmed to El País that the first four dead to be identified are members of the same family – made up of father, mother, a three-year-old girl and a newborn.
The number of fatalities from this tragedy has now increased to fivewith 15 injuries also reported.
It should be noted that, this morning, a child under two years of age and a two-week-old baby were reported missing, and it is not yet known whether they correspond to the identified victims.
A scientific police team is already in the building and will help in the next few hours to carry out identifications.
The building burned for several hours at high temperatures, which caused thick, dense black smoke and burning debris to fall into the street.
According to the Emergency Information and Coordination Center, a preventive device consisting of a basic life support unit and a conventional ambulance is being maintained in the area.
Since the start of the incident, 15 people have been treated (seven firefighters). Of these, 12 were taken to hospitals in Valencia (La Fe, General, Doctor Peset and 9 d’Octubre) and the other three were discharged on site.
This morning, six people remained hospitalized, five of which were firefighters, with burns and some trauma, but their lives were not in danger, according to the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón.
[Notícia atualizada às 14h26]
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2507940/primeiras-vitimas-identificadas-em-valencia-sao-um-casal-e-filhos-menores