O Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, an unavoidable figure in world diplomacy during the Cold War, died this Wednesday at the age of 100, his organization said in a statement.
Kissinger, who dominated the foreign policy of Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, “died today at his home in Connecticut,” said consulting firm Kissinger Associates.
The legendary and controversial diplomat remained active until the end of his life, despite his advanced age. In July, at the age of 100, he visited China, where he met with the country’s President, Xi Jinping.
The former diplomat’s opinions on current affairs, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the risks of artificial intelligence, have also been frequently cited in the media.
Kissinger was born on May 27, 1923, in Fürth, Germany, into a Jewish family that moved to New York, fleeing Nazism.
He received the Nobel Peace Prize together with his Vietnamese counterpart Le Duc Thuo for the secret negotiations to end the Vietnam war and normalized diplomatic relations between the United States and China during the presidency of Richard Nixon (1969-1974).
However, Kissinger will also be remembered for his support given to dictatorships such as those in Argentina, between 1976 and 1983, the last years of the Francisco Franco regime, in Spain, and the coup d’état against Salvador Allende, in Chile, in 1973.
He is, to date, the only person in the history of the United States to simultaneously hold the positions of Secretary of State and National Security Advisor.
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2451738/antigo-secretario-de-estado-dos-eua-henry-kissinger-morre-aos-100-anos