“EI am very confident. The French have shown that they want change,” Le Pen told TF1.

She assured that she is not worried about the alliance that is being forged between the other parties, and that she began to express herself by withdrawing more than 200 candidates from the race to avoid the dispersion of the vote and help the election of deputies from parties other than the far-right National Union (RN, in its French acronym).

“The French are fed up of not being treated like responsible adults who know what is good for the country,” he said, referring to calls from different parties to vote for each other.

In any case, he insisted that his party, along with some allies from the conservative Les Républicains, “is the only one capable of having an absolute majority” that can give “a perspective of growth for France”.

And he warned that his party will not govern if it does not obtain an absolute majority — which would imply reaching at least 289 of the 577 deputies, the condition that the candidate for prime minister of RN, Jordan Bardella, established to govern.

When the interviewer replied that the current government does not have that majority in the National Assembly and that it has passed a good number of laws in the last two years, Le Pen replied: “I couldn’t do it.”

Still, he expressed confidence that his party would be able to work with other Conservative MPs, especially on issues such as immigration.

The first poll on voting intentions and their projection in seats, released after the resignations of candidates on Tuesday, showed today that the RN would win Sunday’s elections, but would fall far short of an absolute majority of 289 deputies, winning between 190 and 220 seats.

The New Popular Front (NFP) would obtain between 159 and 183 seats, while President Emannuel Macron’s bloc would obtain between 110 and 136 and the Republicans between 30 and 50.

Other parties and candidates (regionalists, several independents) would have between 17 and 31 deputies, according to the survey, carried out by Harris Interactive for the M6 ​​channel and RTL radio.

The French legislative elections, which were due to take place only in 2027, were surprisingly called by Emmanuel Macron, after the defeat of his party (Renaissance) and the sharp rise of the National Union (far right), in the elections for the European Parliament on 9 June.

Read Also: Mélenchon denies that “the election is already resolved” and calls for mobilization

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2591995/franca-le-pen-muito-confiante-na-maioria-absoluta-da-extrema-direita

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